Family Karate Schools Association

In Affiliation with the:

Seishin Ryu Martial Arts Association


        S.R.M.A.A. is headed by Soshu (founder) Lee E. Dawson, 10th Dan. Hanshi Lou DeAdder, 8th Dan, of the F.K.S.A. is the Canadian National Director of this association.

        S.R.M.A.A. is a service organization designed for martial artists and schools who may be looking to change organizations for any reason. You will receive credibility with S.R.M.A.A. while at the same time having the freedom to operate your schools and promote your students.

        Hanshi Lou DeAdder invites any and all traditional martial artists and martial arts schools across Canada to inquire about membership in this prestigious organization!!

Soshu Dawson                                             Sensei Lou DeAdder
     Soshu Lee E. Dawson, 10th Dan - S.R.M.A.A              Hanshi Lou DeAdder, 8th Dan - F.K.S.A.

For Further Information:

Mailing Address:

Hanshi Lou DeAdder
Family Karate Schools Association
1012 Centre Street South
Whitby, ON
L1N 4X6


Phone: 1-905-430-4721
Toll Free: 1-800-691-3858

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Page updated August 25, 2019